For basics

Thematic introduction

Abdollahi, Michel (2020): Deutschland schafft mich - Als ich erfuhr, dass ich doch kein Deutscher bin

Michel Abdollahi thought of himself as a true "Hamburger Jung" - until the New Right gained attention in Germany and radically changed the social debate. He talks about how his German passport and his seemingly exemplary integration no longer protect him from racist and anti-Muslim attacks and insults, but also shows that giving up is not an option.

Published by Hoffmann und Campe Verlag, Hamburg

Keywords: personal experiences, anti-Muslim racism, integration

Amjahid, Mohamed (2017): Unter Weißen: Was es heißt, privilegiert zu sein

Racism is only found among right-wing extremists - just a misconception that Amjahid wants to clear up in his debut. With a lot of self-irony, he shows what it is like not to really belong in Germany and what it means to be constantly misused as an "integration role model". The book makes it clear that discriminatory behaviour and racism are problems for society as a whole. Even for those who consider themselves tolerant and enlightened.

Published by Carl Hanser Verlag, Berlin

Keywords: everyday racism, belonging, integration, discrimination

Amjahid, Mohamed (2021): Der weiße Fleck - Eine Anleitung zu antirassistischem Denken

Privileges often exist invisibly - at least for those who have them. It is therefore necessary to make them visible, to expose these blind spots. This is what Mohamed Amjahid does in this relentlessly written book. He explains how privilege works in our society and at the same time provides an extensive glossary and 50 tips for unlearning one's own racisms.

Published by Piper Verlag, Munich

Keywords: Privileges, Recommendation for action, Unlearning, Reflection

Gümüşay, Kübra (2020): Sprache und Sein

Language is political: it divides us into categories that disregard the complexities of life. Kübra Gümüşay dreams of a language that captures all facets of being, that enables discourse at eye level. In her book, she discusses how language influences thinking, how it determines our politics and blurs individuals into grey masses. How do we find new ways to communicate with each other - especially in a world where the tone is getting harsher?

Published by Carl Hanser Verlag, Berlin

Keywords: language, discourse, discrimination, prejudice

Hasters, Alice (2019): Was weiße Menschen nicht über Rassismus hören wollen - aber wissen sollten

Talking about racism is difficult. Alice Hasters does it anyway. She describes poignantly and patiently how racism shapes her everyday life as a Black woman in Germany. It becomes clear that racism is not only a problem on the right-wing fringe of society. And confronting one's own racism is painful at first, but the only way to overcome it.

Published by Carl Hanser Verlag, Berlin.

Keywords: everyday racism, being black, personal experiences, identity

Kollektiv wirmüsstenmalreden (2020): Dear Discrimination – Ein Mitmachbuch zur antirassistischen Weiterbildung

How do you become an Ally? What can I do myself against racism? How does self-reflection actually work in relation to racism? In this participatory book aimed at white-positioned people, readers learn in a very practical way, through reflection tasks, what is needed for their own racism-critical learning journey and how to take responsibility themselves. Available in print and as an e-book.

Published by mikrotext, Berlin

Keywords: participatory book, reflection, discrimination, critique of racism

Ogette, Tupoka (2018): exit RACISM - rassismuskritisch denken lernen

Low-threshold and practical, this book takes you on an anti-racist journey. With a lot of information on the topic, but also with interactive material and a lot of space for reflection, you learn to question your own privileges and how to talk about the topic at all. Patiently and without a raised finger, Tupoka Ogette invites you to leave "Happyland" and become active against racism.

Published by UNRAST Verlag, Münster

Keywords: reflection, critical whiteness, unlearning, participatory book

Ogette, Tupoka (2022): Und jetzt du. Rassismuskritisch leben

Criticism of racism is not to be understood as a new trend, but as a task for society as a whole to make our world fairer for all of us. Because the genuine confrontation with racism opens up a new view of ourselves and our fellow human beings. It enables new perspectives and encounters. The book gives concrete and everyday suggestions on how to learn to live in a way that is critical of racism. In your circle of friends, in your family, as a teacher at school, in your leisure time and at work.

Published by Penguin.

Keywords: allyship, critique of racism, unlearning, reflection

Sow, Noah (2008/2018): Deutschland Schwarz Weiß

Anyone who wants to engage in a change of perspective is right on target with this book. Noah Sow gets to the root of stereotypes, turns them around and dissects them in order to explain and point out racism on the basis of very personal, but also collective experiences. The book is written with a lot of humour, without losing sight of the seriousness of the subject.

Published by Bertelsmann Verlag, Munich

Keywords: Personal experiences, Enlightenment, Change of perspective, Critique of racism

For deepening

In-depth literature and academic voices

Arndt, Susan und Ofuatey-Alazard, Nadja (Hg.)(2011): Wie Rassismus aus Wörtern spricht. (K)Erben des Kolonialismus im Wissensarchiv deutsche Sprache. Ein kritisches Nachschlagewerk

This book elaborates the interconnections between colonialism and our world today and shows that colonialism - contrary to many beliefs - is not yet a thing of the past. It shows how it is reflected in racist thinking and in our language and thus still has a discursive and structural influence.

Published by UNRAST Verlag, Münster

Keywords: racism, colonialism, language, postcolonial theory, discourse

Chebu, Anne (2016): Anleitung zum Schwarz sein

Empowering, enlightening and inviting - this is how Anne Chebu's book can be described. On the one hand, it serves as an introduction to the history of the Black community in Germany, and on the other hand, as an empowerment manual for young Black people who want to start searching for their identity. However, the book is also suitable for white people who want to learn more about racism and critically engage with the topic.

Published by UNRAST Verlag, Münster

Keywords: being black, empowerment, history, identity, critical whiteness

El-Mafaalani, Aladin (2021): Wozu Rassismus? Von der Erfindung der Menschenrassen bis zum rassismuskritischen Widerstand

In this book, Aladin El-Mafaalani discusses the origins and effects of racism in a profound, intelligent way and in relation to the German context. How does it work? Who does it benefit? And above all: to what end?

Published by Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Cologne

Keywords: racism in Germany, nationalism, discourse, identity politics, racism as a pedagogical task

Nobrega, Onur Suzan; Quent, Mathias; Zipf, Jonas (2021): Rassismus. Macht. Vergessen. Von München über den NSU bis Hanau: Symbolische und materille Kämpfe entlang rechten Terrors.

The Oktoberfest attack in 1980, the NSU murders in the 2000s, the terrorist attack in Hanau in 2020: these are all examples of right-wing terror, but also symbols of how victims and survivors of non-white communities are treated. In this book, the authors approach German culture of remembrance and commemoration, structural racism and the blindness of the authorities, which led to the attribution of others and suspicion of the survivors. The central question is: Where does right-wing terror and its all too fertile breeding ground stand today?

Published by transcript Verlag, Bielefeld

Keywords: right-wing terror, NSU, Hanau, culture of remembrance, right-wing extremism

Madubuko, Nkechi (2020): Empowerment als Erziehungsaufgabe

How do I educate a child when I know that he or she will experience racism? What role does identity play in child rearing? How can white people prepare their non-white children for everyday racism? This book seeks to answer these questions and many more, focusing on the best interests of the child. In the process, tips for empowering parenting are given to give children the confidence to assert themselves in our society.

Published by UNRAST Verlag, Münster

Keywords: empowerment, child rearing, identity, resilience

Oguntoye, Katharina (2020): Schwarze Wurzeln – Afro-deutsche Familiengeschichten von 1884 bis 1950

The myth that black people are a novelty in Germany is impressively refuted in this book. The author explores the realities of life and family stories of African and Afro-German people between 1884 and 1950 and thus invites a change of perspective. For the view of black people is still determined today by a white majority society that has made the history of black life in Germany almost invisible.

Published by Orlanda Verlag, Berlin

Keywords: Afro-German history, colonialism, change of perspective, postcolonial theory

Roig, Emilia (2021)_ Why we matter. Das Ende der Unterdrückung

In her book, political scientist, non-fiction author and activist Dr Emilia Roig exposes the mechanisms of oppression. She asks how to better understand the realities of the lives of the 'others' and calls for radical solidarity. Using her own family history, she shows how different forms of discrimination collide and thus makes clear why intersectionality is so important.

Published by Aufbau Verlag, Berlin

Keywords: intersectionality, solidarity, discrimination, oppression