© Stadtmarketing Mannheim

Actions for the public

Do you want to use the German Diversity Day to discuss diversity issues with a wider audience or present your own measures to interested parties, potential employees, customers or business and cooperation partners?

We have collected ideas for possible public campaigns for you below. Click through the sections to find specific examples with descriptions and information on campaigns that have already been successfully implemented in recent years:

Hands-on activities


Also think about effective communication to generate as much attention as possible for your campaign. Use existing communication platforms such as your newsletter, your networks and your social media channels or use our communication kit for new ways of communicating. Involve your communications departments or press representatives.

Hands-on activities

Diversity lives when everyone joins in! Develop an action with your staff or interested parties to learn more about diversity and exchange ideas.

Images of diversity

With athletics for diversity


Celebrate diversity with an event! Employees and guests exchange experiences and can inform themselves in a relaxed atmosphere.

Diversity festival

Breaking the fast

Open house day