Unterzeichner_in seit 06/2012

„There are three key messages about Diversity & Inclusion I would like to share: First, Diversity needs a critical mass: a minimum of 20% can make a difference, second Inclusion means everyone is involved and accepted and third Diversity & Inclusion require awareness. - Jurate Keblyte (CFO)“

#BeProudofWhatMakesUsDiverse #BePartofONEGRAMMER

Diversity-Tag Teilnahme

Diversity-Tag 2018

Diversity-Tag 2019

Diversity-Tag 2021

Praktisch gut!

Jurate Keblyte, CFO, about corporate culture and Diversity & Inclusion (D&I): "You may have heard by now, that I’m really passionate about culture. To me culture is the most important side of the golden triangle, that is crucial for a company’s development: strategy, structure, and culture. The philosophy of our culture is based on the core values of trust and respect. Therefore Diversity & Inclusion are a big part of our corporate culture."

Diversity & Inclusion meets Corporate Culture

On the occasion of the German Diversity Day on May, 18th, we are hosting a digital “Diversity & Inclusion meets Corporate Culture” workshop with Jurate Keblyte (CFO). During this dynamic and interactive session, we will make a deep dive into the connection between our corporate culture and Diversity & Inclusion (D&I). The workshop is based on two fundamental questions: What does it mean to be diverse and inclusive? And how to use our cultural approach to become more diverse or to use the diversity, we already have? We are looking forward to sharing experiences and getting inspired. #BeProudofWhatMakesUsDiverse #BePartofONEGRAMMER


#BeProudofWhatMakesUsDiverse #BePartofONEGRAMMER D&I_Definition (PDF, 63 KB)


Unterzeichner_in seit:06/2012
Organisationsgröße:groß: mehr als 1000 Beschäftigte
Segment/Tätigkeitsfeld:Unternehmen: Verarbeitendes Gewerbe


Grammer-Allee 2
92289 Ursensollen