ESMT Berlin

Fighting AI bias means championing LGBTIQ+ rights

In episode 26 of Campus 10178, the ESMT business podcast, host Tammi L. Coles (she/her) welcomes Arjun Subramonian (they/them), a computer science PhD student at UCLA and a member of Queer in AI. The episode delves into the intersection of AI, queer and gender identities, and the digital rights of marginalized communities. Subramonian sheds light on the biases and challenges faced by LGBTIQ+ and BIPOC persons and other communities underrepresented in AI development and deployment. The conversation explores the role of large language models like ChatGPT, research that shows the value of intersectional and inclusive approaches to challenging AI bias, and the importance of grassroots organizations and student activism in ensuring an AI future that serves all.

Termin: 01/06/2023
Ort: Schloßplatz 1, 10178 Berlin

Karen La Macchia
Head Librarian

Fighting AI bias means championing LGBTIQ+ rights

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