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Kick-Off Diversity Week mit ImmoScout24 MD Gesa Crockford

ImmoScout24 MD Dr. Gesa Crockford eröffnet unsere Diversity Week 2022 und erinnert uns daran, dass Vielfalt ein wichtiger Teil unserer Scout24-Kultur ist, die wir als #OneTeam jeden Tag leben. Sie betont, dass wir auch in diesem Jahr die Vielfalt bei Scout feiern und uns auch schwierigen Themen widmen, um ein inklusiveres Arbeitsumfeld zu schaffen. Wir sind aufgefordert das dem Thema "Allyship" - der gegenseitigen Unterstützung von Individuen und marginalisierten Gruppen - zu fokussieren.

Termin: 21.06.2022
Ort: Invalidenstr. 65, 10557 Berlin
Online-Veranstaltung Zeit: 10:30 Uhr

Sabine Würkner
Head of Culture, Development, Diversity & Inclusion

Kick-Off Diversity Week mit ImmoScout24 MD Gesa Crockford

Scout24 AG

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Trans Ally 101 – Trans & Gender Diversity in the Workplace

Trans & gender diversity has now become a cross-cutting topic in society. Though, do companies make enough of an effort to create safer and inclusive workplaces for people, who do not identify with their sex assigned to them at birth? Who are trans & gender diverse people and what are their current struggles in everyday life?

This impulse talk with Max Appenroth will answer these questions and will show opportunities to our allies to learn, how they can best support us. This session is followed by a Q&A.

Max Appenroth (they/them) is a Germany-based trans activist, diversity consultant, and in the final year of their PhD at the Institute of Public Health at the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany. With their own company ‘diversity sparq’ Max offers workshops & trainings to companies, institutions, and care facilities to learn (more) about sexual and gender diversity, and how to make workplaces and services more inclusive and accessible.

Termin: 22.06.2022
Ort: Invalidenstr. 65, 10557 Berlin
Online-Veranstaltung Zeit: 11:00 Uhr

Sabine Würkner
Head of Culture, Development, Diversity & Inclusion

Trans Ally 101 – Trans & Gender Diversity in the Workplace

Scout24 AG

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Diversity Pub Quiz

With the Diversity Pub Quiz we would like to invite you to an exciting evening ending our Diversity Week 2022 with questions on diversity and inclusion.

Join us as we learn about the various dimensions of diversity. If you are up to some quizzing and a great #OneTeam Time, join us and enjoy music, drinks and some snacks at the Community Hub.

We are looking forward to see you – marvelous prizes await the winners!!

Termin: 23.06.2022
Ort: Invalidenstr. 65, 10557 Berlin
Zeit: 17:00 Uhr

Sabine Würkner
Head of Culture, Development, Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity Pub Quiz

Scout24 AG

Details zur Organisation

50 Ways to Fight Bias – Bias in networking and mentoring

Challenging bias is good for companies. Women are less likely to be hired and promoted, and they’re more likely to face everyday discrimination and microaggressions in their workplaces. For women of color, LGBTQ women, and women with disabilities, these inequities are even more pronounced. And the effects are profound – women are less happy at work, and they’re more likely to think about leaving their jobs.

During this workshop we’re going to first lay some guiding principles and learn about different types of bias. We’ll spend most of our time discussing common situations involving bias and hear what the research recommends for addressing them. Finally, we’ll commit to taking One Action to address bias in the workplace. The focus will be on the effect of biases on workplace relationships, including mentorship, sponsorship, networking opportunities, and access to senior leaders.

Termin: 23.06.2022
Ort: Invalidenstr. 65, 10557 Berlin
Zeit: 11:00 Uhr

Sabine Würkner
Head of Culture, Development, Diversity & Inclusion

50 Ways to Fight Bias – Bias in networking and mentoring

Scout24 AG

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50 Ways to Fight Bias – Bias in company cultures

Challenging bias is good for companies. Women are less likely to be hired and promoted, and they’re more likely to face everyday discrimination and microaggressions in their workplaces. For women of color, LGBTQ women, and women with disabilities, these inequities are even more pronounced. And the effects are profound – women are less happy at work, and they’re more likely to think about leaving their jobs.

During this workshop we’re going to first lay some guiding principles and learn about different types of bias. We’ll spend most of our time discussing common situations involving bias and hear what the research recommends for addressing them. Finally, we’ll commit to taking One Action to address bias in the workplace.

The focus will be on setting inclusive norms, approaching coworkers with empathy and pushing back on acts of bias.

Termin: 21.06.2022
Ort: Invalidenstr. 65, 10557 Berlin
Zeit: 13:30 Uhr

Sabine Würkner
Head of Culture, Development, Diversity & Inclusion

50 Ways to Fight Bias – Bias in company cultures

Scout24 AG

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50 Ways to Fight Bias – Bias in virtual workplaces

Challenging bias is good for companies. Women are less likely to be hired and promoted, and they’re more likely to face everyday discrimination and microaggressions in their workplaces. For women of color, LGBTQ women, and women with disabilities, these inequities are even more pronounced. And the effects are profound – women are less happy at work, and they’re more likely to think about leaving their jobs.

During this workshop we’re going to first lay some guiding principles and learn about different types of bias. We’ll spend most of our time discussing common situations involving bias and hear what the research recommends for addressing them. Finally, we’ll commit to taking One Action to address bias in the workplace.

The focus will be on understanding and combating the effects of bias in remote work environments.

Termin: 22.06.2022
Ort: Invalidenstr. 65, 10557 Berlin
Zeit: 14:00

Sabine Würkner
Head of Culture, Development, Diversity & Inclusion

50 Ways to Fight Bias – Bias in virtual workplaces
50 Ways to Fight Bias – Bias in virtual workplaces

Scout24 AG

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#Iamremarkable Workshop

#IamRemarkable is a Google initiative empowering women and underrepresented groups to celebrate their achievements in the workplace and beyond.

Many of us struggle when it comes to talking about our own accomplishments. Cultural and gender modesty norms as well as impostor syndrome can prevent anyone from acknowledging their remarkable attributes and expressing their achievements. We will explore different perspectives and difficulties that people can experience when talking about their success. You will learn to talk openly to others about your successes so that they can better assess your strengths and abilities.

The goal is to improve the self-promotion motivation and skills of women and underrepresented groups but also to change the social perception around self-promotion.

Termin: 22.06.2022
Ort: Invalidenstr. 65, 10557 Berlin
Zeit: 09:30

Sabine Würkner
Head of Culture, Development, Diversity & Inclusion

#Iamremarkable Workshop

Scout24 AG

Details zur Organisation

#Iamremarkable Workshop

#IamRemarkable ist eine Google-Initiative, die Frauen und unterrepräsentierte Gruppen ermutigt, ihre Leistungen am Arbeitsplatz und darüber hinaus zu feiern. Das Ziel ist es, die Motivation und die Fähigkeiten von Frauen und unterrepräsentierten Gruppen zur Selbstdarstellung zu verbessern, aber auch die gesellschaftliche Wahrnehmung von Selbstdarstellung zu verändern.

Wir werden verschiedene Perspektiven und Schwierigkeiten erkunden, die Menschen erleben können, wenn sie über ihren Erfolg sprechen. Ihr werdet lernen, offen mit anderen über eure Erfolge zu sprechen, damit sie eure Stärken und Fähigkeiten besser einschätzen können.

Termin: 23.06.2022
Ort: Invalidenstr. 65, 10557 Berlin
Zeit: 13:00 Uhr

Sabine Würkner
Head of Culture, Development, Diversity & Inclusion

#Iamremarkable Workshop

Scout24 AG

Details zur Organisation

Allyship in Teams – Paneltalk with Sozialhelden e.V.

In cooperation with the Sozialheld_innen, we are holding a panel discussion on the topic of allyship in teams. Together we will find out what each and every one of us can do to create a corporate culture where all employees participate, belong and share on equal terms. We will discuss how to use one's privileges to show solidarity, raise others' voices and ensure equal opportunities for people from marginalised groups.

Join us as the experts on equality and inclusion share their experiences and help us develop a culture that promotes listening, speaking up and taking responsibility. Because our goal is to build diverse and inclusive teams based on trust and cooperation.

Termin: 23.06.2022
Ort: Invalidenstr. 65, 10557 Berlin
Online-Veranstaltung Zeit: 15:00 Uhr

Sabine Würkner
Head of Culture, Development, Diversity & Inclusion

Allyship in Teams – Paneltalk with Sozialhelden e.V.

Scout24 AG

Details zur Organisation

PERIODically I go to work – Menstrual Awareness

Extra vacation for period? Isn't that anti-feminist? And why does a company have to deal with the cycle of menstruating people? During this talk you will learn about the impact of the menstrual cycle on the workplace and why it also has an impact on you even if you aren’t a woman or don’t menstruate.

Termin: 21.06.2022
Ort: Invalidenstr. 65, 10557 Berlin
Online-Veranstaltung Zeit: 15:00 Uhr

Sabine Würkner
Head of Culture, Development, Diversity & Inclusion

PERIODically I go to work – Menstrual Awareness

Scout24 AG

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Eine eingefleischte vegane Domina zieht vom Leder

Auf Anhieb erklärt Dr. Michaela Dudley mit Sachkunde und sadomaßloser Satire die Bedeutung der Vielfalt. Als Dichterin, Domina, Doktorin und Diva in Diversity hält sie eine teils musikalisch untermalte Rede, die zur Gerechtigkeit erzieht. Antirassimus, Feminismus, das Queersein und andere Aspekte der Inklusion werden groß geschrieben. Was können Beteiligte, Betroffene und deren Betrieb dazu lernen?

Termin: 22.06.2022
Ort: Invalidenstr. 65, 10557 Berlin
Zeit: 13:00 Uhr

Sabine Würkner
Head of Culture, Development, Diversity & Inclusion

Eine eingefleischte vegane Domina zieht vom Leder

Scout24 AG

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Komm mit in meine Welt - Wie sich eine PoC in D. fühlt

Wie Menschen mit Migrationsgeschichte den Alltag in Deutschland erleben und warum sie so agieren, wie sie es tun. eine Werkstudentin führt uns in ihre Welt ein. Sie erzählt von Situationen aus ihrem Leben, die sie als Person of Colour in Deutschland erlebt hat und die sich wie ein roter Faden durch ihr Leben ziehen.

Dabei erklärt sie Fachbegriffe zum Thema Rassismus und gibt einen Einblick in das Leben vieler PoCs, den weiße Person in dieser Form sonst nicht bekommen würden…

Termin: 22.06.2022
Ort: Invalidenstr. 65, 10557 Berlin
Online-Veranstaltung Zeit: 15:00 Uhr

Sabine Würkner
Head of Culture, Development, Diversity & Inclusion

Komm mit in meine Welt - Wie sich eine PoC in D. fühlt

Scout24 AG

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Masculinites – An impulse for tenderness

In this impulse you get an impression of how men are affected by and also profit from gender roles and partiarcal structures.

We will get an insight of how male gender roles have been established in German media and have been treated throughout German history, and we will explore why feminism is truly for everone, and how it can be about but also goes beyond men painting their nails or switching up their fashion. We will talk risk-related behavior, non-verbal communication and dive into unlocking emotional intelligence.

Discover your inner tenderness and become a more informed co-worker and human overall!

Termin: 21.06.2022
Ort: Invalidenstr. 65, 10557 Berlin
Online-Veranstaltung Zeit: 12:00 Uhr

Sabine Würkner
Head of Culture, Development, Diversity & Inclusion

Masculinites – An impulse for tenderness

Scout24 AG

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Classism - The ignored discrimination

Classism is the systematic oppression of subordinated class groups to advantage of the dominant class groups. It’s the systematic assignment of characteristics of worth and based on social class. Classism is held in place by a system of beliefs that ranks people according to economic status, family lineage, job status, level of education, and other divisions. Discriminated by classism are poor, unemployed and homeless people, as well as first-generations students and working-class people.

Termin: 23.06.2022
Ort: Invalidenstr. 65, 10557 Berlin
Online-Veranstaltung Zeit: 10:00 Uhr

Sabine Würkner
Head of Culture, Development, Diversity & Inclusion

Classism - The ignored discrimination

Scout24 AG

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