PRISMA European Capacity Platform GmbH

Unterzeichner_in seit 10/2022

„At PRISMA we want to make sure everyone feels safe and comfortable in bringing their whole selves to work. We want to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion at all stages of the employee journey, starting during recruiting and continuing during onboarding and in the daily work environment. “

Our PRISMAtes: a team of driven professionals from all over the world

Praktisch gut!

Our values are not just words on a piece of paper – they are embedded in every aspect of our diversity management strategy: We make no difference on parental leave or child support. We invite experts to educate everyone about DEI. We conduct surveys among our employees, to find out where we can improve. We have an Equal Opportunity Manager, who supports any colleague who has questions or complaints regarding DEI. And we are constantly working on improving our policies even more.

Diversity Trainings at PRISMA

At PRISMA we know: Diversity trainings create a safe and inclusive workplace for all employees. That's why we invite experts on a regular basis. We started our new DIE Training Program in October 22 with Quynh Anh Le ngoc. She was giving a keynote and a workshop about language and discrimination. The main question: How does language influence our ways of thinking and acting? In November 22, we welcome diversity expert Olla Jongerius. She will explain to us, why we need to talk about DEI topics at work. Is it a trend or buzzword that will eventually go away? In December 22 Olla Jongerius will give us even more insights. Main question for this training: How are we different when it comes to communication styles, feedback, and trust development? In January 23 we will have another training with Olla Jongerius in which she will explain, what is special about the word "guys” and why suddenly everyone is changing their pronouns (e.g they/them/their).


Unterzeichner_in seit:10/2022
Organisationsgröße:klein: 1-50 Beschäftigte
Segment/Tätigkeitsfeld:Unternehmen: Bergbau, Energie- und Wasserversorgung


Mariana Fernandez
Equal Opportunity Manager
Reichsstraße 1-9
04109 Leipzig
+49 341 22 229 025