Moody's Deutschland GmbH

Unterzeichner_in seit 03/2016

„Moody’s diversity and inclusion (D&I) efforts are foremost about creating a workplace of excellence that benefits from the uniqueness of each employee. Our D&I team works throughout the company to provide diversity training to managers and to support all employees. The result is an organization with insight into its employees and a culture in which everyone feels welcome, where contributions are valued, and where each employee can contribute to their fullest potential. Moody’s D&I strategy was developed by the D&I Council, composed of senior leaders and chaired by President and CEO of Moody’s Corporation Raymond McDaniel, in partnership with the Office of Diversity. “Moody’s and our leadership team are committed to making diversity and inclusion part of the fabric of our organization. This helps create an environment that maximizes every employee’s contribution, widens the leadership pipeline and ultimately increases the quality of our opinions, products and services.” Ray McDaniel, President & CEO“

Diversity-Tag Teilnahme

Praktisch gut!

Understanding D&I: Engage and educate employees to understand the value of D&I for themselves and the company through leadership engagement, diversity education and global partnerships. Leadership Engagement: Diversity Council implements D&I strategies and is organized into working groups that focus on strategic priorities, developing an action plan and making it a reality.


Unterzeichner_in seit:03/2016
Organisationsgröße:mittel: 51-1000 Beschäftigte
Segment/Tätigkeitsfeld:Unternehmen: Kredit- und Versicherungsgewerbe


Carola Schuler
Magaging Director - Banking
An der Welle 5
60322 Frankfurt